Country: Germany
Target Group: Civil Servants and Civil Society Organisations
Date: 9 June 2023
Language: German
Subject: Freedom of Movement and related rights
Format: In person (Berlin, Germany) and Webinar (Webex)
What is it for me – Learning Objectives: This session for Civil Servants and Civil Society Organisations aims to increase their awareness on current obstacles to freedom of movement and further develop their knowledge on the Directive 2004/38.
With 25 years of experience in advising thousands of citizens on their EU Rights, by managing Commission’s Your Europe Advice service, ECAS has accumulated in-depth knowledge on the obstacles encountered by EU citizens when exercising their freedom of movement and related rights.
We are hosting a free of charge training for Civil Servants and Civil Society Organisations with the goal to increase the awareness of local administrations and civil society on current obstacles to freedom of movement, by providing the tools to interpret and implement Directive 2004/38 on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely in the EU.
Participants are involved in the debate, which allows them to verify their knowledge in an interactive manner.
Meet our German expert – Oliver Patzer
Oliver Patzer is a German lawyer specialised in the fields of Immigration and EU law. He was born in Luanda (Angola) in 1968 and visited the German School in Madrid (Spain). In 1986, he moved to Berlin (Germany) to study law at the Freie Universität Berlin. After his graduation and clerkship, he became an independent lawyer and established a law firm in Berlin in 1998. As one of the German experts, he is working for the Your Europe Advice Service since 2002.
This training is part of the EURECA project, co-funded by the European Union, and the PROMISE project, funded by the European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM). Our partners on the PROMISE project, Democratic Society and Alliance4Europe, are supporting us in the training implementation.