To facilitate the application of the freedom of movement Directive in the Member States, ECAS has developed interactive and tailor-made training for civil servants and civil society organisations supporting citizens in exercising their right to move and reside freely in the EU.
This year, we are happy to announce that we will deliver training in three more Member States this year.
If you are a public servant or a rights’ advisor helping EU mobile citizens, this is an excellent opportunity to learn, discuss and exchange best practices in your local languages with colleagues and legal experts!
Don’t forget to save the following dates in your calendar:
Sweden: Fabrizio Vittoria
Fabrizio Vittoria is a legal expert for Sweden at Your Europe Advice, a service that provides legal advice on EU law both to European businesses and citizens. He is a founder and partner at Momentius Legal Public Affairs (LPA), a Swedish law firm specializing in EU law. He works daily with several areas of EU law, especially with EU internal market law. Previously, he worked both at the Swedish Migration Agency and as a legal advisor for civil society organizations, where he gained solid experience in migration law, public law and labour law. He has worked with competition law at two international law firms in Brussels and for the European Commission at DG Competition. He holds a Master’s Degree (LLM) in EU Law from the Institute for European Studies at ULB in Brussels as well as a law degree both in Italy and Spain.
Ireland: Dr Siobhan Duffy
Dr. Siobhan Duffy is a solicitor who previously worked in private practice and currently lectures in EU law. She is particularly interested in EU citizens’ rights and has worked extensively with NGOs and other organisations advising in this area.
Germany: Oliver Patzer
Oliver Patzer is a German lawyer specialised in the fields of Immigration and EU law. He was born in Luanda (Angola) in 1968 and visited the German School in Madrid (Spain). In 1986, he moved to Berlin (Germany) to study law at the Freie Universität Berlin. After his graduation and clerkship, he became an independent lawyer and established a law firm in Berlin in 1998. As one of the German experts, he is working for the Your Europe Advice Service since 2002.
Countries: Sweden, Ireland, Germany
Subject: Freedom of Movement and related rights
Type: Interactive, In-person