First Annual Meeting of the “ProEuValuesBG” Project
On 15th May, the “ProEUValuesBG” project team organised in Sofia, the first annual meeting of the organisations funded by both the “Action” Fund and the “Together” Fund under the project.
The purpose of the meeting was to give the opportunity to over 90 participants from the 60 funded organisations to get to know each other, present their initiatives and discuss opportunities for interaction in order to enhance the impact of their work. The meeting’s key message was that shared challenges can be turned into opportunities to change the approach to their work and learn from experience.
Group work, interactive workshops and living libraries enabled participants to share the results of their initiatives so far, exchange experiences and identify ways of collaboration.
The event was organised by the ECAS’ partners under the project – the Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation, in collaboration with the Open Society Institute – Sofia.
Earlier this year ECAS delivered a Master Class on countering disinformation to the project participants, and is set to organise two additional Master Classes in the autumn of 2024, and in early 2025.
In addition, ECAS will also be organising two online networking events under the project in the second half of the year.