Country: All EU Member States
Target Group: Civil Society Organisations, civic movements and anyone with an interest to get a better understanding of how to organise a training activity
Date and time: 7 December 2023, 12:30 – 13:30 CET
Language: English
Subject: Training
Format: Webinar (Webex)
What is it for me – Learning Objectives:
In the framework of the European Year of Skills ECAS is organising a one-hour webinar introducing participants to continuous training. Continuous training plays an important role in upskilling and reskilling people thus contributing to the development of an organisation.
This free of charge interactive one-hour webinar aims at introducing participants to the 4 stages of a Training Cycle (i.e., training needs assessment, design of the training, delivery, and evaluation). Emphasis will be given on how to deliver an online activity as well as a hybrid event whereby participants of a training attend both online and face to face. Finally, crucial to every training is the evaluation of its results and for this reason particular attention will be given to Kirkpatrick’s Four-Level Training Evaluation Model.
Meet our expert – Georgios Klis – ECAS Training Manager
Georgios Klis holds a Master’s degree in International Law (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) and International Political Economy (London School of Economics), and a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Modern History (University of St-Andrews).
He has experience coordinating the organisation and evaluation of training activities and seminars across Europe and online and developing curricula for the judicial (judges and prosecutors) and health sectors.
This activity is part of the EURECA project, co-funded by the European Union