Country: Luxembourg
Target audience: Local authorities, Civil Society Organisations and EU Mobile Citizens
Date: 10 May 2023
Language: English
Subject: Political Participation, Freedom of Movement and related rights
Format: Webinar (Webex)
What is it for me – Learning Objectives:
ECAS is organising a series of focus groups involving local authorities, EU mobile citizens and civil society organisations of the countries holding municipal elections in 2022-2025. The activity aims to raise awareness of political rights of EU mobile citizens on their voting rights and foster political participation in their host countries. In addition, the activity aims to provide local authorities and civil society with practical ideas on how to improve registration rates in the local elections in Luxembourg (11 June 2023).
If you would like to participate, please fill in the form.
Claire holds a Masters’ degree in European Law from the University of Aix-en-Provence. In 2011, she joined an immigration law firm where she specialized in international mobility and freedom of movement. In 2022, Claire joined ECAS (the European Citizen Action Service) as an EU Rights manager, where she is in charge of analysing different aspects of the EU Rights legal framework, organizing training seminars and events, managing projects and monitoring daily political, policy and legislative developments in the EU rights (freedom of movement) area.
This activity is part of the EURECA project, co-funded by the European Union