Home>Publications>Free Borders is a Privilege We are Losing’ Claims our Director
Our Director, Assya Kavrakova, was recently interviewed by the Danish newspaper Information on the impact of dismantling Schengen. She claims that such an ungly scenario could have long-standing consequences for one of the EU citizens’ most cherished rights, namely free movement in Europe.
Freedom of movement allows EU citizens and their (non-EU) family members to move and reside freely across the EU. However, this right is subject to limitations. Directive 2004/38 is […]
The ECAS publication “How to organise inclusive events” provides an introduction to effective strategies to practice inclusiveness in the planning of our online, in-person and hybrid events at different […]
This Policy Brief, developed by ECAS and FEANTSA, summarises the main takeaways from an analysis of the European Commission’s Guidance on the right of free movement of EU citizens […]