You can follow the live broadcast of the PART 1 of the event here:
You can follow the live broadcast of the PART 2 of the event here:
The State of the Union Citizens’ Rights Conference is ECAS’s annual flagship event in its EU Rights focus area. Its aim is to take stock of recent developments in the European Citizenship domain and to provide a forum for discussion of civil society, decision-makers and academics on ways to improve the EU Rights implementation and innovate EU Citizenship. The 2023 edition of the Conference will take place on March 21st and engage many different stakeholders who have an interest in seeing a renewed, stronger EU citizenship to understand more about who the mobile EU citizens are, and what lies behind their wish to establish their home in another Member State than the one they were born in. We will examine together the current legal framework to assess whether it fully supports all EU citizens in this challenging choice and discuss whether new rights should be added to shape a more inclusive European citizenship.
During a 4-hour interactive event, we will have the opportunity to hear about citizens’ motivations, understand what obstacles still stand in their way, and reflect on potential solutions to build together a European citizenship that leaves no one behind. The conference will take place in-person, participants are also welcome to join remotely.
For further information, please contact