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Results 2024: ECAS Grant-making to its Members in the EU

10 June 2024

Following the evaluation of the proposals, ECAS is pleased to announce the projects awarded with the “Grant-making to ECAS’ Members in the EU – 2024” regranting scheme, which is part of the EURECA (European Citizenship Accelerator) Framework Agreement, co-funded by the Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) Programme of the European Union.

Be the Protectors of Democracy!

Organisation: Civil Kollégium Alapítvány (Civil College Foundation)

Country: Hungary

Project duration: 8 May – 8 November 2024

Key target group(s): Civil society and citizens’ groups from small and medium municipalities in Hungary

Summary of the project (aim, objectives, key activities)

  • Aim and objectives: strengthen the participation of citizen groups and organisations in local decision-making
  • Activities: local partnerships, training and capacity building, events (Civic Participation Month) and workshops (including summer academy)

Grant Awarded: € 14,926.50

 AWAKE: Awareness raising campaign providing Key Elements to tackle disinformation

Organisation:  Fondazione ISMU ETS (Initiatives and Studies on Multiethnicity Foundation)

Country: Italy

Project duration: 8 May – 8 November 2024

Key target group(s): Students from journalism schools, professional journalists, communication experts from CSOs and citizens (Italy)

Summary of the project (aim, objectives, key activities)

  • Aim and objectives: promote accurate and pluralistic information on migration in Italy, providing target audience with tools to fight disinformation
  • Activities: training and capacity building of key stakeholders, awareness raising campaign

Grant awarded: €14,999.26 €

Constructing a positive citizen-centred narrative change for Europe in Bulgaria – #PositiveCitizenNarrativeForEurope

Organisation: ProInfo Foundation

Country: Bulgaria

Project duration: 12 April – 12 October 2024

Key target group(s): Bulgarian civil society organisations

Summary of the project (aim, objectives, key activities)

  • Aim and objectives: empower key Civil Society Organisations in Bulgaria to promote narratives on EU values countering disinformation
  • Activities: Research and analysis on disinformation narratives, capacity building of CSOs (workshops and mentoring)

Grant awarded: € 14,605.50

CASCADE: Capacities to Strengthen Civil Society Against Disinformation in Europe

Organisation: Fundación contra la desinformación: periodismo, educación, investigación y datos en nuevos formatos ( foundation)

Country: Spain

Project duration: 20 April – 20 October 2024

Key target group(s): European civil society organisations

Summary of the project (aim, objectives, key activities)

  • Aim and objectives: building the capacities of a European CSO community that empowers and strengthens advocacy efforts of CSOs working against disinformation
  • Activities: Advocacy training and roundtables

Grant awarded: € 14,788.88

DISARM trainings for CSOs

Organisation: Alliance4Europe

Country: Germany

Project duration: 22 April – 22 October 2024

Key target group(s): European civil society organisations

Summary of the project (aim, objectives, key activities)

  • Aim and objectives: provide CSOs with training on DISARM open-source framework for fighting disinformation through sharing data & analysis on tactics, and coordinating effective action
  • Activities: stakeholder engagement, training and certification

Grant awarded: € 14,898.68

Parliament of the Future

Organisation: Democracy International e.V.

Country: Germany

Project duration: 1st May – 1st November 2024

Key target group(s): pro-EU/pro-democracy EP candidates; marginalised citizens

Summary of the project (aim, objectives, key activities)

  • Aim and objectives: Creation of an EP intergroup/ MEP coalition on democracy and citizen participation, pushing for EU democratic renewal including diversified and inclusive e-democracy
  • Activities: pledge campaign and establishment of MEP coalition

Grant awarded: € 14,994.98

Digital Transformation for Thriving Communities

Organisation: Rotha t/a The Wheel

Country: Ireland

Project duration: 6 May – 6 November 2024

Key target group(s): Civil Society Organisations in Ireland

Summary of the project (aim, objectives, key activities)

  • Aim and objectives: bridge digital divides and empower the target group CSOs to foster an inclusive digital transformation
  • Activities: training webinar, in-person regional events and social media campaign

Grant awarded: € 14,982.14

Digital literacy in the Age of AI

Organisation: ODRAZ – Sustainable Community Development

Country: Croatia

Project duration: 6 May – 6 November 2024

Key target group(s): students, teachers, and school leaders, other educational stakeholders in Croatia

Summary of the project (aim, objectives, key activities)

  • Aim and objectives: Enhance digital literacy in schools; raise awareness on the potential impact of AI in education; foster an inclusive digital transformation
  • Activities: data analysis, surveys, focus groups, interviews, awareness raising campaigns

Grant awarded: € 14,934.53

Amplifying Truth: Student-Led Communication Strategies for CSOs

Organisation: Citizen Participation Forum

Country: Bulgaria

Project duration: 2nd May – 2nd November 2024

Key target group(s): Representatives of civil society organisations and university students in the field of journalism and communication from Bulgaria

Summary of the project (aim, objectives, key activities)

  • Aims and objectives: fight against disinformation by raising interest and building the capacity of future communication specialist to work with CSOs and tell their stories
  • Activities: training, mentoring, networking, multiplication activities

Grant awarded: € 14,997.12

Guardians United Against Rampant Disinformation (GUARD)

Organisation: Lithuanian College of Democracy

Country: Lithuania

Project Duration: 7 May – 7 November 2024

Key target groups: Lithuanian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working to combat disinformation and protect democratic processes

Summary of the project (aim, objectives, key activities)

  • Aims and objectives: amplify CSOs’ impact in addressing disinformation narratives by enhancing their capacity to identify, analyze, and respond to disinformation campaigns.
  • Activities: Capacity-building workshops, research and production of guidelines

Grant awarded: € 15,000.00

Co-creating digital policies in Slovenia Phase II (CODIS 2)

Organisation: Institute for Electronic Participation (INePA)

Country: Slovenia

Project duration: 15 May – 15 November 2024

Key target group(s): Slovenian citizens, CSOs, experts, media, local municipalities, National and EU policymakers

Summary of the project (aim, objectives, key activities)

  • Aims and objectives: engage citizens in civic dialogue and raise awareness on the National digital decade strategic roadmap
  • Activities: data collection and monitoring, online workshops and production of recommendations, press conference, dissemination

Grant awarded: € 14,873.00